I want to be Agent

Please contact our head office if you are interested in becoming an agent of Monty Global Payments.

We will take into account your remittance track record and geographical location – respecting the boundaries of our existing agent network – when we assess your application.

Once your application is accepted you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • If you are a legal person (company), a copy of:
    • The Articles of Incorporation
    • Signatory powers (sometimes granted in a public deed)
    • Identification of the signatory
    • IAE (Economic Activity Tax) of the legal person
  • If you are a natural person:
    • Copy of the identity document of the signatorye
    • Copy of the IAE of the legal person
    • Original of the police record
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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